
"House of Heroes" (Jussi Rautio; Jyri Vahvanen)

(quadro de Tim Murphy, "Blue Ride", s/d)

"The man and the ghost will meet again
In the night when it snows, never quiet, never cold

Hear their calling, lost lords to cast the ride, white spears in their hands, pointing towards the sky

The ancient echoes from the wielded jaws, the bones and the scales, the forgotten lore

The calm of the night, lighting the flame
In the night when they haunt the curtain shall fall

Heroes and fools, all together, all the same, statues of the restless
Gallery of the drowned and the pale

The man and the ghost will meet again on the marshes of the old, though silent when it snows" (1)


(1) retirado da colectânea 13th Street: the Sound of Mystery, Vol. 3.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

não conhecia e gostei muito de ler.

até depois de amanhã, jorge, um beijo *

SeMifusa disse...

..." Heroes and fools, all together, all the same..."

SeMifusa disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.